I didn't understand. No comprehension. Rivendell was gone. My uncle Sam had always spoken about it with such adoration. I felt a tear slide down my cheek. Isilindil glanced at me, but didn't say anything, which I was glad for. The path that we took to Lothlorien was cold and lonely, distant and dead. The trees by the side of the path had either been killed or had died from a spreading disease. the leaves on plants were mottled and graying. Some strange sickness had seized nature and left her bereft of comfort and health.
The further we traveled, the more apparent the devastation wrought by the strange evil that had twisted the land became to us. We came across villages that were deserted or destroyed, and footprints scattering off in directions unknown.
Eventually we came to Lothlorien. Luckily, although the tress on the outskirts of the forest seemed to be affected a little but, the elves inside were healthy, and thankfully alive.
Once they saw that there was an elf with me, we were escorted straight away to Gontorion, the 'head-elf' of Lothlorien. I had hoped to meet Galadriel, but Isilindil explained to me that she had long since left to journey to the West.
We told Gontorion of the fate that had fallen to Rivendell, and once the elves heard, they
began wailing and weeping, mourning the loss of their kind. Since elves live so long, the death of so many hit them hard as their experiences and lives can never be lived. We are all unique, but to have such a long life filled with a unique combination of situations, and then to have you torn away from the world is like the loss of a species of flower. Think of all the stories they could've told! Seemed to me like that anyways.
Right now, I am standing in Gontorions meeting room. High up in the trees, where the elves 'roost' I guess. The leafs are fluttering and filling the air with a melancholy song, as if they were mourning the loss of the elves. I suppose they were, actually.
"Pray tell me more about this 'sickness' that you have seen in nature?" Gontorion asked calmly. The other elves muttered worriedly. Living in a tree is swell until there is something to fell it, I guess.
I dozed in and out of consciousness as Isilindil explained the situation to the other elves. They looked at her strangely, and for the first time I realized that Isilindil must be quite young for an elf. It struck me as odd, somehow.
In my minds eye, I still glimpsed the desolation of Rivendell. I could almost hear the screams of the elves. Horrified, I quickly distracted myself with the thought of Lembas bread, which the elves had so kindly given us. Delicious stuff!
"Do you think that there are a chance of survivors?" One of the elves in the congregation around us piped up eagerly.
"Unknown." Gontorion said "It must have taken great skill to kill all our kin in Rivendell. If there are survivors, we must pray that they have the strength to return here, Vandor."
"I volunteer to take a rescue team." Vandor, the elf, said seriously.
"Granted. Take our best sword-elves, but leave the archers. We shall have need of them, I fear. And hurry back soon. Remember, beware of dark places unless that is where your path takes you. And beware of whispers, for they will whisper lies." Gontorion said wisely. Vandor nodded and set off, squaring his shoulders.
This was when Ranewan, who I had met before, rushed into the room after Vandor.
"Let me come with you. I had family among those in Rivendell! I must come!"
Oh..." Vandor glanced at Gontorion. Ranewan was an esteemed archer, I remembered.
"We can spare you, I'm sure." Gontorian addressed Ranewan. Ranewan nodded stiffly in the direction of Isilindil and I before heading out of the room after Vandor.
"Now" said Gontorion "It is time to prepare for the coming storm. And of what, I know not."
~Ruby Burrows
The Middle Earth Daily is a place where you will find all the latest exciting news about Middle Earth along with never before heard stories of adventure and peril.
Friday, January 31, 2014
Thursday, January 30, 2014
Rivendell Holds No Answers
Ruby and I found ponies awaiting us at Bree as sent for three days ago. After a night of rest at the Prancing Pony we were away to Rivendell. I must admit my heart was glad for the trail that led me every mile closer to the beautiful valley where Rivendell lies. It has been many years since I have been able to lay sight about that last homely house.
Ruby and I approach the near hidden path and as we begin the descent I notice strange footprints in ground, it is clear that a recent scuffle had taken place in that area.
"You know Ruby, I have not been here for almost one hundred years." I remarked quietly, "It may be that things have changed and that visitors are not usually welcomed as in the olden days. Elrond is no longer master in Rivendell as he has long ago journeyed into the West. Perhaps we should have sent a message ahead."
"Come on Isilindil" Ruby's voice was eager but I saw her hand slide down slightly and put her hand upon her sword.
We entered into a clearing in full sight of Rivendell, ashes and smoke drifted around us and I knew my fears were correct. Nothing of Rivendell remained but desolation and a few burning corpses, there was nothing we could do to help the horrible scene. Rivendell was demolished. I had smelled smoke a ways back but I hoped that it was merely a campfire.
Horns sounded close by and I pulled Ruby down just before an Orc squadron entered the valley. We watched in horror as they tramped across the dead. At last there was silence and pulling Ruby gently up we walked back to where we had tied our ponies near a large pine tree. Bella and Henry appeared unharmed and were lying down resting after their long journey, little did they know that their exhaustion had saved their lives, and probably ours too.
Mounting quickly we rode without speaking to each other six miles till stopping ata small stream, allowing our horses a little much needed rest.
"We." Ruby choked, "Lothlorien. We should go to Lothlorien."
"What if it is like Rivendell?" I cried "What if it lies in burning ruins? What if corpses now line the beautiful hills of Lothlorien?"
"We need to go now!" Ruby urged "It may be that we find Lothlorien in a bath of blood and evil but we do not know that they have suffered from such a fate. Besides they need to be warned as it is possible that they know nothing of this."
Ruby was right. Sometimes common Hobbit sense is a wonderful thing when you are in complete darkness.
"Very well then," I agreed "We should go towards Lothlorien. We shall travel along the outskirts of Rohans lands, going around the mountain. Then we shall make for the forest."
Ruby and I approach the near hidden path and as we begin the descent I notice strange footprints in ground, it is clear that a recent scuffle had taken place in that area.
"You know Ruby, I have not been here for almost one hundred years." I remarked quietly, "It may be that things have changed and that visitors are not usually welcomed as in the olden days. Elrond is no longer master in Rivendell as he has long ago journeyed into the West. Perhaps we should have sent a message ahead."
"Come on Isilindil" Ruby's voice was eager but I saw her hand slide down slightly and put her hand upon her sword.
We entered into a clearing in full sight of Rivendell, ashes and smoke drifted around us and I knew my fears were correct. Nothing of Rivendell remained but desolation and a few burning corpses, there was nothing we could do to help the horrible scene. Rivendell was demolished. I had smelled smoke a ways back but I hoped that it was merely a campfire.
Horns sounded close by and I pulled Ruby down just before an Orc squadron entered the valley. We watched in horror as they tramped across the dead. At last there was silence and pulling Ruby gently up we walked back to where we had tied our ponies near a large pine tree. Bella and Henry appeared unharmed and were lying down resting after their long journey, little did they know that their exhaustion had saved their lives, and probably ours too.
Mounting quickly we rode without speaking to each other six miles till stopping ata small stream, allowing our horses a little much needed rest.
"We." Ruby choked, "Lothlorien. We should go to Lothlorien."
"What if it is like Rivendell?" I cried "What if it lies in burning ruins? What if corpses now line the beautiful hills of Lothlorien?"
"We need to go now!" Ruby urged "It may be that we find Lothlorien in a bath of blood and evil but we do not know that they have suffered from such a fate. Besides they need to be warned as it is possible that they know nothing of this."
Ruby was right. Sometimes common Hobbit sense is a wonderful thing when you are in complete darkness.
"Very well then," I agreed "We should go towards Lothlorien. We shall travel along the outskirts of Rohans lands, going around the mountain. Then we shall make for the forest."
Tuesday, January 28, 2014
Of Disapprovals and Blessings
Today Isilindil and I took a stroll along the perimeters of Hobbiton - or rather, she strolled and I jogged to keep up. It's hard being friends with Long-Legs. Oh well...
To cut to the chase, she and I had many wonderful experiences in the Shire - I really enjoyed showing her to all my family and friends - however there were those who didn't exactly approve of a Hobbit - Elf friendship... Hmmm... Well, lets see - I think that the Sacksilve Bagginses didn't exactly approve. but then, they never approve of anything really - always got their fat noses in the air.
There were several others who you could tell looked on us with disdain and fear at Isilindil - The Hobbits (however we might deny the claim) have always been scared of Tall Beings, and only a select few ignore this prejudice.
Back to the walk - the sun is shining, the bees are buzzing and the grass s growing underfoot. It's a pleasant day, as it always is on Hobbiton, and the smell of honey and daisy's pervades the air. We decided to take a walk as I thought it would be better to be away from the main population of hobbits since the occurrence yesterday with the two boys who were playing Trolls and Hobbits.
"Penny for your thoughts?" Isililindil leaned casually against a sycamore tree, towering over me by about three feet.
"Oh, just recollecting yesterday's excitement..." She laughed, leaning backwards, and then sat on the ground. My dress being tugged by the wind danced around and it became still as I too sat down. 'Even when I'm standing', I thought, she's still taller than me.
About two hours later, it was hard to tell for time seems to slow down in The Shire as if being crystallized like the many candies we adore, we had made our way to Samwise Gamgee's hole, my uncle's domain.
The gate swung freely in the breeze, but was propelled by three little Hobbits watching our approach.
"Greetings Cousins!" I waved my arm in the air. Frodo, Elanor and Rose waved and then ran off giggling to tell their father that we had arrived.
"Oh, they're darlings!" I explained to Isilindil, rolling the R's "They love visitors, although they can be shy around Tall Beings." warning her just in case we had another incident, like yesterday. I smiled at the thought of Rose and Elanor being trussed up like dwarves in barrels.
After the cursory greetings we were sat down on the furniture and thoroughly enjoyed a large hobbit lunch - discussing a map that Uncle Sam would lend to us.
"Mr. Bilbo gave this t'me before 'e left on tha' big journey... It's a map o' showing 'oo knows what. I think it's a mystery. Looks like dwarvish t'me. Could mean treasure or adventure..." Uncle Sam explained after taking a sip of tea. I shivered with anticipation, and glanced towards Isilindil. She was examining the map with a thoughtful expression. Then, touring to Uncle Sam., she said:
"Do you not wish to take part in this journey?" her lilting voice almost turning the words to song.
"Nah. Besides, I got a family to take care of. And I think I'm a bit to old and round t' go off chasing treasure. I'll leave that for sprightly young things like you" I scoffed. Uncle Sam wasn't that old, and besides, I could see the gleam of curiosity and adventure in his eyes that he got when talking about his adventures of old. But then it disappeared as he pulled Primrose onto his lap and gave her a tickle.
"We'd best start right away to Rivendell to decipher this" Isilindil's tone was decisive.
"Well, you 'ave my blessings, the both of you. And don;t forget to pack potatoes" He gave me a cheery wink. Isilindil looked at us confused.
After we left the home, Isilindil asked me what he had meant about the potatoes. I just laughed and continued on my way, leaving Isilindil with a stymied expression on her elven features.
I whistled. It looks like the beginning of an adventure to me!
~Ruby Burrows
To cut to the chase, she and I had many wonderful experiences in the Shire - I really enjoyed showing her to all my family and friends - however there were those who didn't exactly approve of a Hobbit - Elf friendship... Hmmm... Well, lets see - I think that the Sacksilve Bagginses didn't exactly approve. but then, they never approve of anything really - always got their fat noses in the air.
There were several others who you could tell looked on us with disdain and fear at Isilindil - The Hobbits (however we might deny the claim) have always been scared of Tall Beings, and only a select few ignore this prejudice.
Back to the walk - the sun is shining, the bees are buzzing and the grass s growing underfoot. It's a pleasant day, as it always is on Hobbiton, and the smell of honey and daisy's pervades the air. We decided to take a walk as I thought it would be better to be away from the main population of hobbits since the occurrence yesterday with the two boys who were playing Trolls and Hobbits.
"Penny for your thoughts?" Isililindil leaned casually against a sycamore tree, towering over me by about three feet.
"Oh, just recollecting yesterday's excitement..." She laughed, leaning backwards, and then sat on the ground. My dress being tugged by the wind danced around and it became still as I too sat down. 'Even when I'm standing', I thought, she's still taller than me.
About two hours later, it was hard to tell for time seems to slow down in The Shire as if being crystallized like the many candies we adore, we had made our way to Samwise Gamgee's hole, my uncle's domain.
The gate swung freely in the breeze, but was propelled by three little Hobbits watching our approach.
"Greetings Cousins!" I waved my arm in the air. Frodo, Elanor and Rose waved and then ran off giggling to tell their father that we had arrived.
"Oh, they're darlings!" I explained to Isilindil, rolling the R's "They love visitors, although they can be shy around Tall Beings." warning her just in case we had another incident, like yesterday. I smiled at the thought of Rose and Elanor being trussed up like dwarves in barrels.
After the cursory greetings we were sat down on the furniture and thoroughly enjoyed a large hobbit lunch - discussing a map that Uncle Sam would lend to us.
"Mr. Bilbo gave this t'me before 'e left on tha' big journey... It's a map o' showing 'oo knows what. I think it's a mystery. Looks like dwarvish t'me. Could mean treasure or adventure..." Uncle Sam explained after taking a sip of tea. I shivered with anticipation, and glanced towards Isilindil. She was examining the map with a thoughtful expression. Then, touring to Uncle Sam., she said:
"Do you not wish to take part in this journey?" her lilting voice almost turning the words to song.
"Nah. Besides, I got a family to take care of. And I think I'm a bit to old and round t' go off chasing treasure. I'll leave that for sprightly young things like you" I scoffed. Uncle Sam wasn't that old, and besides, I could see the gleam of curiosity and adventure in his eyes that he got when talking about his adventures of old. But then it disappeared as he pulled Primrose onto his lap and gave her a tickle.
"We'd best start right away to Rivendell to decipher this" Isilindil's tone was decisive.
"Well, you 'ave my blessings, the both of you. And don;t forget to pack potatoes" He gave me a cheery wink. Isilindil looked at us confused.
After we left the home, Isilindil asked me what he had meant about the potatoes. I just laughed and continued on my way, leaving Isilindil with a stymied expression on her elven features.
I whistled. It looks like the beginning of an adventure to me!
~Ruby Burrows
Monday, January 27, 2014
A Journey to The Shire
Ruby Burrows persuaded me to go with her back to Hobbition. Unsure I at last gave way to my curiosity and said yes. Here I am now, standing on a hill under the new Party Tree, the soft, sweet breezes playing with the leaves. I have visited the Mayor, Samwise Gamgee and have met several of Ruby Burrow's relatives including the Sacksvile Baggins, although she denies vigorously as to being related to them. However I had heard many rumors of Bilbo's evil relatives, so away we went. A rude and most amusing line of Hobbits I found the Sacksvile Baggins to be, however I fear my dear friend Ruby did not enjoy our intercourse and much as I did.
Through traveling around Hobbition I learned that Samwise has recently been elected Mayor for the seventh time. Meriadoc is master of Buckland and is doing well, although that is the tale in Green Dragon and I have not had that information from his own lips.
One encounter I had while staying in Hobbition involved a dear little hobbit boy named Togo Loamsdown. He must have been around 15 years old and although no eagerness to do anything of any excitement existed in his cognition I still liked his sweet smile and shy voice.
I was walking with Ruby along the snakelike path which threaded through the village when we heard a loud crash inside the Green Dragon and a small boyish cry. Rushing through the doors I was astounded to find poor Togo Loamsdown being held upside down by a much larger hobbit which I learned later the name of which was Lardo Bunce. Without thinking -as usual Ranewan would comment were he here- I drew my sword and putting it to Lardo's throat demanded that he drop the hobbit. Forthwith Lardo with a scared chirp threw Togo down with little grace. My friend walked in behind me just as the little hobbit was dropped and stared at me with shock as my eye's flashed with fire and drawing near Lardo I grabbed him by the collar and demanded to know why he treated the boy such. Lardo stuttered. A small voice from Togo's direction said quietly, "We were playing 'Trolls and Hobbits'".
"What?" I was very confused.
Ruby gently laid her hand upon my sword and I sheathed it blushing. A smile from my friend and a quick apology were all we gave to the stone-like hobbits before rushing outside. Ruby was quite happy and thought it good to give the hobbits a scare once in a while. I however felt very badly and would have gone back and apologized if my friend had not said it was useless. So ended my one adventure, if adventure it can be called, in Hobbition. Because of this happening I knew that it would be best for Ruby and I to journey on to somewhere else seeking excitement as neither excitement nor kindness would be thrown our direction for some time in this place.
The hobbits are a kindly and odd people, lovable and distrusting. The hobbits do not approve of my befriending Ruby as it is thought to be quite unexpected. I think I could spend many beautiful days here, in the sunlight, among the simple and complex hobbits. If my love of adventure and my thrill seeking nature did not make me begin to agonize for the untamed lands of Middle Earth I would stay here for many delightful years.
Through traveling around Hobbition I learned that Samwise has recently been elected Mayor for the seventh time. Meriadoc is master of Buckland and is doing well, although that is the tale in Green Dragon and I have not had that information from his own lips.
One encounter I had while staying in Hobbition involved a dear little hobbit boy named Togo Loamsdown. He must have been around 15 years old and although no eagerness to do anything of any excitement existed in his cognition I still liked his sweet smile and shy voice.
I was walking with Ruby along the snakelike path which threaded through the village when we heard a loud crash inside the Green Dragon and a small boyish cry. Rushing through the doors I was astounded to find poor Togo Loamsdown being held upside down by a much larger hobbit which I learned later the name of which was Lardo Bunce. Without thinking -as usual Ranewan would comment were he here- I drew my sword and putting it to Lardo's throat demanded that he drop the hobbit. Forthwith Lardo with a scared chirp threw Togo down with little grace. My friend walked in behind me just as the little hobbit was dropped and stared at me with shock as my eye's flashed with fire and drawing near Lardo I grabbed him by the collar and demanded to know why he treated the boy such. Lardo stuttered. A small voice from Togo's direction said quietly, "We were playing 'Trolls and Hobbits'".
"What?" I was very confused.
Ruby gently laid her hand upon my sword and I sheathed it blushing. A smile from my friend and a quick apology were all we gave to the stone-like hobbits before rushing outside. Ruby was quite happy and thought it good to give the hobbits a scare once in a while. I however felt very badly and would have gone back and apologized if my friend had not said it was useless. So ended my one adventure, if adventure it can be called, in Hobbition. Because of this happening I knew that it would be best for Ruby and I to journey on to somewhere else seeking excitement as neither excitement nor kindness would be thrown our direction for some time in this place.
The hobbits are a kindly and odd people, lovable and distrusting. The hobbits do not approve of my befriending Ruby as it is thought to be quite unexpected. I think I could spend many beautiful days here, in the sunlight, among the simple and complex hobbits. If my love of adventure and my thrill seeking nature did not make me begin to agonize for the untamed lands of Middle Earth I would stay here for many delightful years.
~Isilindil Telperien
Sunday, January 26, 2014
Hello - my good friend Isilindil suggested that I put up some of my answers for the riddles - as not all of you will be able to guess them!
So here they are, the answers - but if you haven't seen the riddles yet then I would recommend that you go back and give them a go!
1st Riddle:
2nd Riddle:
3rd Riddle:
4th Riddle:
Oh, do I love riddles! They can teach us so much! A quote by a famous hobbit - "It's the questions that we can't answer that teach us the most. They teach us how to think."
And, just for you, here is some hobbit jewelry that I really like - I'm not the type to engage in flippant-fashion, but when something catches my fancy, I cannot be dissuaded!
This is just some trifle that my great-great-aunt Bess Dunnville likes to make to remind us hobbits of the thing our hearts yearn for - our lovely hobbit-hole full of comfort and food! She gave it to me when I payed her my respects just before gallivanting off on adventures!
Well, that's all for now - got to go and get some new material (just an excuse for adventuring!)
-Ruby Burrows
So here they are, the answers - but if you haven't seen the riddles yet then I would recommend that you go back and give them a go!
1st Riddle:
2nd Riddle:
3rd Riddle:
4th Riddle:
Oh, do I love riddles! They can teach us so much! A quote by a famous hobbit - "It's the questions that we can't answer that teach us the most. They teach us how to think."
And, just for you, here is some hobbit jewelry that I really like - I'm not the type to engage in flippant-fashion, but when something catches my fancy, I cannot be dissuaded!
This is just some trifle that my great-great-aunt Bess Dunnville likes to make to remind us hobbits of the thing our hearts yearn for - our lovely hobbit-hole full of comfort and food! She gave it to me when I payed her my respects just before gallivanting off on adventures!
Well, that's all for now - got to go and get some new material (just an excuse for adventuring!)
-Ruby Burrows
Saturday, January 25, 2014
The White Tree of Gondor
Show your love for Gondor and it's King! Purchase this plush pillow and never forget the peace and goodness Aragorn has brought back to these lands.
~Isilindil Telperien
Thursday, January 23, 2014
Middle Earth Valentines
Yes in Middle Earth Valentines Day is celebrated and in honor of the upcoming Valentines Day I thought I should post some of the best Middle Earth Valentines ... enjoy!
The fires of Mount Doom aren't nearly as hot as you are.
The fires of Mount Doom aren't nearly as hot as you are.
Are you the Ring? Because I have my Eye on you.
Your beauty has pieced my heart like a Morgul blade.
Love is never late, or is it early. It arrives precisely when it means to.
One does not simply stop loving you.
One does not simply stop loving you.
Will you be my Precioussssss?
We have One Love to rule them all.
Sauron's going to be after me because he knows that I found
Wednesday, January 22, 2014
Hello all! Just thought that I would share something extremely Hobbit-ish with you all as there isn't much known about us - we like to be kept a mystery, or rather to be left alone in peace. However, this is something that I think all of you will enjoy.
Hobbits love riddles - something to puzzle over in the cold winter while sipping tea and great for breaking the ice in family gatherings!
We love to challenge each other, and in my family it has been a tradition to invite everyone over to a selected house each year and hold a big Celebration of Riddles - everyone takes part! We have riddles from the smallest to the largest, the shortest to the longest and the hardest to the easiest! I would like to share some with you! But be warned - I'm not going to give away all the answers!
When answering riddles, a good clue is to check for word tricks and rhymes - see if they make sense. If the riddle is wordplay, then this can give you some good points!
1st Riddle:
Poor people have it,
Rich people need it,
If you eat it, you'll starve.
That's a good one - I remembered solving it at last one day, such a revelation! Don;t fret now, it'll make sense when you get it!
2nd Riddle:
What occurs once in a minute,
Twice in a moment,
And never in a thousand years?
This one you can solve by looking at my word play tip - it's quite an easy one, so I'll be disappointed if you all don't get it.
It dances and skips,
it's read in the eyes but it cheats with the hips,
If it meets its match it's easily caught,
but it's worth nothing if it is bought.
What is it?
Now this one is harder than the one's mentioned above - and it's usually of the category that we reserve for last - but you should give it a go!
And last but not least - a true hobbit riddle!
Thirty white horses on a red hill,
First they champ,
Then they stamp,
Then they stand still.
I hope you enjoyed those riddles!
-Ruby Burrows
Hobbits love riddles - something to puzzle over in the cold winter while sipping tea and great for breaking the ice in family gatherings!
We love to challenge each other, and in my family it has been a tradition to invite everyone over to a selected house each year and hold a big Celebration of Riddles - everyone takes part! We have riddles from the smallest to the largest, the shortest to the longest and the hardest to the easiest! I would like to share some with you! But be warned - I'm not going to give away all the answers!
When answering riddles, a good clue is to check for word tricks and rhymes - see if they make sense. If the riddle is wordplay, then this can give you some good points!
1st Riddle:
Poor people have it,
Rich people need it,
If you eat it, you'll starve.
That's a good one - I remembered solving it at last one day, such a revelation! Don;t fret now, it'll make sense when you get it!
2nd Riddle:
What occurs once in a minute,
Twice in a moment,
And never in a thousand years?
This one you can solve by looking at my word play tip - it's quite an easy one, so I'll be disappointed if you all don't get it.
It dances and skips,
it's read in the eyes but it cheats with the hips,
If it meets its match it's easily caught,
but it's worth nothing if it is bought.
What is it?
Now this one is harder than the one's mentioned above - and it's usually of the category that we reserve for last - but you should give it a go!
And last but not least - a true hobbit riddle!
Thirty white horses on a red hill,
First they champ,
Then they stamp,
Then they stand still.
I hope you enjoyed those riddles!
-Ruby Burrows
Tuesday, January 21, 2014
Middle Earth: Sword-pan
A must have for all adventuresome hobbits, my dear friend Ruby introduced me to this magnificent invention by the great Samwise. Use it for cooking nice crispy bacon or when you lack a weapon it can be used as a lethal defense mechanism. These can be purchased at your local weaponry or custom made in Erebor.
Monday, January 20, 2014
As The Sun Sets Part 2
A small troop of elf's stood, their weapons in hand. Ranewan was among them, a dark scowl upon his fair face.
"When will you ever learn Isilindil?" He asked angrily stepping towards me, though I know his anger was not directed at me. "You could have been killed with just one swipe of their fists."
"I was not afraid and besides was I to let her die?" pointing towards the hobbit girl who stood somewhat surprised but with evident joy on her face. "I did not know Galadriel and Celeborn had sent out a troll hunting party today and if I did I would have waited for you."
"Very well" Ranewan relinquished "We must continue hunting out the remainder of evil that still lurks this land as you have scared away our first enemies. Farewell Isilindil!"
The elf company melts into the trees and I bide Ranewan goodbye, and perhaps a little good riddance. Turning to the girl my voice was not cordial. "Who are you and what is your name?"
The girl looked at me and instead of cowing as one would expect, she stood her ground and looking me in the eye haughtily replied "My name is Ruby Burrows and I am a respectable hobbit. I wanted to go on an adventure so I set out a week or so ago and found myself here, alas the trolls caught me in the act of taking some gold." she grimaced. "But that is no reason why you should treat me as if I was an inferior. I'm quite capable, you know"
I paused, what a fool I was. I was treating her just like I hate Ranewan treating me, like a child. She must been a very brave hobbit to travel alone and I liked her spark.
"Forgive me for being short Ruby, my name is Isilindil Telperien, I am a wood elf and enjoy traveling myself. Hence the fact that you find me here, far away from my homeland. I am very pleased to meet such a brave and adventuresome hobbit."
The hard look faded away from Ruby's countenance and she smiled the sincerest smile and held out her hand. I clasped it and looking into her eye's knew that we were destined to enjoy many more such adventures together.
"When will you ever learn Isilindil?" He asked angrily stepping towards me, though I know his anger was not directed at me. "You could have been killed with just one swipe of their fists."
"I was not afraid and besides was I to let her die?" pointing towards the hobbit girl who stood somewhat surprised but with evident joy on her face. "I did not know Galadriel and Celeborn had sent out a troll hunting party today and if I did I would have waited for you."
"Very well" Ranewan relinquished "We must continue hunting out the remainder of evil that still lurks this land as you have scared away our first enemies. Farewell Isilindil!"
The elf company melts into the trees and I bide Ranewan goodbye, and perhaps a little good riddance. Turning to the girl my voice was not cordial. "Who are you and what is your name?"
The girl looked at me and instead of cowing as one would expect, she stood her ground and looking me in the eye haughtily replied "My name is Ruby Burrows and I am a respectable hobbit. I wanted to go on an adventure so I set out a week or so ago and found myself here, alas the trolls caught me in the act of taking some gold." she grimaced. "But that is no reason why you should treat me as if I was an inferior. I'm quite capable, you know"
I paused, what a fool I was. I was treating her just like I hate Ranewan treating me, like a child. She must been a very brave hobbit to travel alone and I liked her spark.
"Forgive me for being short Ruby, my name is Isilindil Telperien, I am a wood elf and enjoy traveling myself. Hence the fact that you find me here, far away from my homeland. I am very pleased to meet such a brave and adventuresome hobbit."
The hard look faded away from Ruby's countenance and she smiled the sincerest smile and held out her hand. I clasped it and looking into her eye's knew that we were destined to enjoy many more such adventures together.
As The Sun Sets Part 1
Hello Middle Earth
It's the Hobbit, Ruby Burrows. Right now I thought I might shed some light onto my background - I now I can be quite vague sometimes - I guess I tend to speak in riddles only Hobbits can decipher!
My father was owner of the Golden Barley Inn 'back in the day' as he says. He met my mother on a summer evening in a party (of whose, he can;t remember). They danced the night away, I guess. Two years later, he asked her to marry him! She said yes, and they traveled around the Shire on their honeymoon. They were married for a further three years before I came along. My dad says I was like the cork on the bottle - holding all the excitement in! once I was baron, my parents tried to ensure that I had the best possible life - and that meant spending copious amounts of time with my uncle, Samwise Gamgee! Of course, he taught me all the necessary skills and finesse to gardening, how to cook, fight, travel and have a good time! And of course, riddling and other such Hobbit skills as well as how to smoke a pipe and blow rings! My parents taught me the art of brewery and to recognize wildlife, while I engrossed myself in the books and writings of Mr. Frodo and other Bagginses, which had been left in the care of my uncle along with Bag End.
After a while, I discovered an urge to leave and adventure - I blame the Took side of me - and decided to leave the Shire and set off to the unknown! Inspired and encouraged by my uncle, I decided to go to Rivendell, and so on the 14th of May I got my parent's blessings, my uncle's map of Middle Earth, and the disapproving glares of my elders as I left the Shire!
Traversing the wild for a couple of days, maybe more than a week, it was hard to tell, when I came upon a band of trolls! They smelt horrible, I can tell you! Like rotting meat and fish! There was a big one, a small one and one with a belt which was obviously the leader. I decided to call that one Bossy. They were sheltering in a cave in a cliff by a forest, which was perfect as the trees were so close together that it was always twilight! I guess that I had been a bit more confident in my abilities than I am now, as I saw that they had a bag of gold coins as well as other treasures stored around their cave! So, sneaking in as quiet as a handkerchief on the wind, I tip-toed around the campfire and towards the treasures. That was when I made my mistake. I had decided to take the coins in their bag with me instead of making sure that they didn't clink! So, when the tell tale jingling suddenly erupted from the cave door, the trolls turned and grabbed me just as I tried to escape lugging off with their treasure!
"Now, what do we 'ave 'ere?" The Big one grumbled, dangling me between his thumb and forefinger
"Pass it 'ere..." Bossy reached over "Looks no more than skin'n'bones t'me... Mayhaps we can fatten them there ponies on it" He dropped me with his grubby fingers into his belt pouch, which I then found out held seasonings. He shook me about a bit, and then tied me to a tree to roast over the fire. Big one and Small one looked over his shoulder. I felt the the flames reach eagerly towards my face and in vain I tried to get free of my bonds.
~Ruby Burrows
Now for my part of the tale, I am Isilindil Telperien, a wood-elf. I was walking through the forests while red light set in the west one evening. I heard the distant smell of trolls and ignoring Ranewan's advice to avoid these evil creatures in my travels,I crept towards a glimmer of firelight.
Peering through the clearing my eye's were meet with a terrible scene, four trolls stood about a raging fire whilst a figure, minuscule compared to the brawny beasts, was tied to a small tree trunk. The largest troll held this tree trunk just above the flames while the hobbit girl, helpless, appeared like a spitted sausage.
Quickly I thought of the tales of old, how Gandalf had tricked the three trolls into staying out till the sun came up. But alas, the trolls are more cunning now and would not fall for a trick like that again. I leaped out at the trolls and drew my sword, a foolish move and Ranewan would scoff, but I could not watch the girl die before my eyes.
"Release her now!" I cried out at them.
They looked questioningly at me and then to my surprise they quickly put the tree trunk with attached girl down on the ground gently and ran into their cave. A loud scraping noise and they had closed the door with a large boulder.
Not having time to question the troll's odd behavior I ran towards the girl and untied her. Although a bit shaken she appeared to be unharmed.
"Thank you ...?" She stood up.
"My name is Isilindil. And what does a hobbit do in the forest so far away from home?" I inquired
"Well you see, I was, well I was on an adventure. And what about you, what business do so many elf's have so far away from their home?" She looked questioningly at me and in surprise I whirled around. Ranewan.
It's the Hobbit, Ruby Burrows. Right now I thought I might shed some light onto my background - I now I can be quite vague sometimes - I guess I tend to speak in riddles only Hobbits can decipher!
My father was owner of the Golden Barley Inn 'back in the day' as he says. He met my mother on a summer evening in a party (of whose, he can;t remember). They danced the night away, I guess. Two years later, he asked her to marry him! She said yes, and they traveled around the Shire on their honeymoon. They were married for a further three years before I came along. My dad says I was like the cork on the bottle - holding all the excitement in! once I was baron, my parents tried to ensure that I had the best possible life - and that meant spending copious amounts of time with my uncle, Samwise Gamgee! Of course, he taught me all the necessary skills and finesse to gardening, how to cook, fight, travel and have a good time! And of course, riddling and other such Hobbit skills as well as how to smoke a pipe and blow rings! My parents taught me the art of brewery and to recognize wildlife, while I engrossed myself in the books and writings of Mr. Frodo and other Bagginses, which had been left in the care of my uncle along with Bag End.
After a while, I discovered an urge to leave and adventure - I blame the Took side of me - and decided to leave the Shire and set off to the unknown! Inspired and encouraged by my uncle, I decided to go to Rivendell, and so on the 14th of May I got my parent's blessings, my uncle's map of Middle Earth, and the disapproving glares of my elders as I left the Shire!
Traversing the wild for a couple of days, maybe more than a week, it was hard to tell, when I came upon a band of trolls! They smelt horrible, I can tell you! Like rotting meat and fish! There was a big one, a small one and one with a belt which was obviously the leader. I decided to call that one Bossy. They were sheltering in a cave in a cliff by a forest, which was perfect as the trees were so close together that it was always twilight! I guess that I had been a bit more confident in my abilities than I am now, as I saw that they had a bag of gold coins as well as other treasures stored around their cave! So, sneaking in as quiet as a handkerchief on the wind, I tip-toed around the campfire and towards the treasures. That was when I made my mistake. I had decided to take the coins in their bag with me instead of making sure that they didn't clink! So, when the tell tale jingling suddenly erupted from the cave door, the trolls turned and grabbed me just as I tried to escape lugging off with their treasure!
"Now, what do we 'ave 'ere?" The Big one grumbled, dangling me between his thumb and forefinger
"Pass it 'ere..." Bossy reached over "Looks no more than skin'n'bones t'me... Mayhaps we can fatten them there ponies on it" He dropped me with his grubby fingers into his belt pouch, which I then found out held seasonings. He shook me about a bit, and then tied me to a tree to roast over the fire. Big one and Small one looked over his shoulder. I felt the the flames reach eagerly towards my face and in vain I tried to get free of my bonds.
~Ruby Burrows
Now for my part of the tale, I am Isilindil Telperien, a wood-elf. I was walking through the forests while red light set in the west one evening. I heard the distant smell of trolls and ignoring Ranewan's advice to avoid these evil creatures in my travels,I crept towards a glimmer of firelight.
Peering through the clearing my eye's were meet with a terrible scene, four trolls stood about a raging fire whilst a figure, minuscule compared to the brawny beasts, was tied to a small tree trunk. The largest troll held this tree trunk just above the flames while the hobbit girl, helpless, appeared like a spitted sausage.
Quickly I thought of the tales of old, how Gandalf had tricked the three trolls into staying out till the sun came up. But alas, the trolls are more cunning now and would not fall for a trick like that again. I leaped out at the trolls and drew my sword, a foolish move and Ranewan would scoff, but I could not watch the girl die before my eyes.
"Release her now!" I cried out at them.
They looked questioningly at me and then to my surprise they quickly put the tree trunk with attached girl down on the ground gently and ran into their cave. A loud scraping noise and they had closed the door with a large boulder.
Not having time to question the troll's odd behavior I ran towards the girl and untied her. Although a bit shaken she appeared to be unharmed.
"Thank you ...?" She stood up.
"My name is Isilindil. And what does a hobbit do in the forest so far away from home?" I inquired
"Well you see, I was, well I was on an adventure. And what about you, what business do so many elf's have so far away from their home?" She looked questioningly at me and in surprise I whirled around. Ranewan.
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