Traveling West we came upon the great doors of Moria. There was little talk between Brundt, Ruby and I. What was there to talk about? Brundt lead the way carefully and quickly, Ruby and I were willing followers. After a week of travel we came upon the doors after treading round a dried up lake. My mind wandered back to when the Company traveled here so long ago, Gandalf had been with them then. They would certainly have not survived if it had not been for him. I began to think about Gandalf, how I missed his quick temper and his joy in taking people by surprise. He was always one who enjoyed putting people off balance, got quite the amusement from it in fact. I remember saying goodbye to him in Rivendell. I was there visiting when he came along with the Company, that is, all but Boromir.
New rock doors lay hid in the wall and for a moment I feared we would have the same problem as the company so long ago. I looked at Ruby, she shrugged and I knew that she did not know the password. I was tempted to speak the elvis word 'mellon' which was the word which opened the doors long ago. Yet I knew it would be in vain as these were clearly new doors and I felt new, stronger spells of closure then could be opened by the word of a friend.
"Wanwie sina annon aa' n'uma goth suula" (Past this door may no enemy breath ) Brundt said quietly and he stepped away from the doors. "Place your hand Isilindil by the athelas flower in the center. There, barely visible." He pointed, "And you Ruby, Place your hand next to it so that both hands are inside the flower and touching."
Brundt then retreated several feet away from the door. I looked behind me in consternation, giving him a questioning look.
"It was as Olorin was afraid, and as I was. I cannot pass these gates." he paused and he seemed to grow, but I could not tell if it was the moonlight that tricked my eyes. "They will not. They will not understand. The spells cast upon this door makes it so that it may read descent and not heart." Brundt looked up confused as if he did not understand his own words.
"So then you are not coming with us?" Ruby gasped and our eyes meet in confusion.
Brundt calmly responded, "I cannot."
"What shall we do when we enter the gates!?" I questioned "I have never been here before and I do not know what clue we are looking for. Indeed I know not why we are even here, nor the evil, if evil it be, we stand up against."
"I do not know what you will find beyond those gates and I do not know why Olorin had us come here. He must have known that I could not have entered." Brundt looked up again as he was beginning to do more and more often.
"What will you do?" Ruby asked, "Where shall you go?"
"Why to see if I can meet with Olorin and Ranewan in Rivendell. There I shall counsel with them." Brundt's voice was steady.
The great rock doors distracted us for a moment as they began to swing slowly open.
"Do not remove your hands or you risk being killed as they will rush together once your hands are removed!" shouted Brundt.
"Oh I wish Gandalf were here. Or one of the Wise which have long left this land!" Ruby cried.
I silently agreed with her and turned my head to see Brundt smiling, waving his hand as we entered Moria. Once inside we removed our hands and jumped forward as the doors clanged shut upon Brundt, the light of day and to us it seemed, upon any chance of survival.
~Isilindil Telperien
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