Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Merenwen to Rivendell

Crystal lines of garnet flowed across the sky and garnet changed to auburn as the sun rose. Merenwen mounted upon her horse and began her journey towards Rivendell.

The search for Ruby, Isilindil and the stolen Muted had proven unfruitful, the elf knew where they would look and what they would be looking for. Merenwen had decided upon traveling to Rivendell in the hopes that she would reach it before them, it was impossible for the Muted's to come with her for it would be to dangerous a journey for them. Not all would trust the strange twisted orcs. 

The land was quiet and closed as the horse and it's master passed through. Merenwen's thoughts had little time to travel as her mind bent sharply around the betrayal of Isilindil and Ruby.

Rivendell's entrance took her two days to find as it had been well hid from unfriendly eyes. After Merenwen's search proved to not be in vain she dismounted and tucking a scroll into her mount's saddle bag she whispered to him and he galloped away, gladly free of his master.

Green leather boots strode across the smooth stone  and Merenwen entered. Immediately she was surrounded by wood elf's clad in green, their bows and swords drawn towards her throat.

Isilindil Telperien 

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